Computing is the study of how computers and computer systems work and how they are constructed and programmed. As computing increasingly impacts on every aspect of our lives, it is also becoming a more evolved and complex area. While computing may be of general interest to students, it’s often difficult to know which area of specialisation will be of most interest. This course has been designed to give students the broadest possible choice before choosing a specialisation.

This course provides a general overview of computing in Year 1 and includes modules in Mathematics, Programming, Hardware, Operating Systems, Networking and Applications. In Year 2, students may choose to specialise in Computer Applications or Programming.

Applications option: This option examines the assembly and secure administration of computer systems and networks and web development. Graduates of this option often go on to work in systems administration, IT support and networking.

Programming option: This involves the detailed analysis, design and programming of computer software. Graduates from this area go on to work as programmers in the world of business or as software support and sales representatives.

Special Features:

  • Year 1 of the course is examined on a continuous assessment basis with no end-of-year exams.
  • This course has been designed to give students the broadest possible choice before a specialised area is chosen.
  • Students taking the Applications and Programming options gain valuable experience working as part of a team developing web-based business applications.

Graduates of the Applications option may apply to proceed to Year 3 of the BSc in IT Management (CW217). Graduates of the Programming option may apply to proceed to Year 3 of the BSc in Software Development (CW207) at Institute of Technology Carlow.


Further information:

Higher Certificate Science in Computing


