Bachelor of Arts in Applied Language and Translation Studies-Dublin City University DC155

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  3. Bachelor of Arts in Applied Language and Translation Studies-Dublin City University DC155

The BA in Applied Language and Translation Studies (ALTS) is a unique degree in Irish higher education that aims to prepare a new generation of translators and language professionals for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. You will study two foreign languages with exciting combinations that include Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish, as well as many stimulating modules on translation. It allows you to explore the principles behind language, culture, translation and intercultural communication. You will work with multi-modal and digital literacies, and you will develop critical and creative thinking.

The degree is delivered by experts in the field and has been running successfully for over 30 years. It will equip you with the skills needed to communicate effectively across cultures and languages. The skills you will develop are in demand in modern industry and make our future graduates highly employable in an increasingly competitive, technologically driven, international marketplace.

Duration: 3* or 4 Years

Year 3* will be typically spent studying abroad at one of our partner universities. This will allow you to apply your language skills in a real life setting, experiencing the culture of another country, honing your oral language skills and undertaking a significant body of work in the local language. This is an excellent opportunity to experience another society at first hand. After you do the year abroad, you’ll return to DCU to complete your final year.

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BA in Applied Language and Translation Studies-Dublin City University DC155

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