The BSc Medical and Health Sciences offers an integrated learning experience in an interdisciplinary environment, to produce graduates who are passionate about human health and medicine, and are equipped to embark on careers in the medical research or healthcare sectors. It has a strong focus on research and is taught by research-active academics in a wide range of disciplines spanning the biological and medical sciences. This course delivers up-to-date current knowledge in the field of biomedical, clinical and public health sciences. It encourages students to foster their analytical study skills and critical thinking, enabling them to research, develop and implement the innovative healthcare of the future.

Students take core modules in Years 1, 2 and 3, providing a solid grounding in the medical and health sciences. In Year 4, students undertake a substantial Research Project in a current research topic in the medical and health sciences. Additionally, each student can choose from a broad range of specialised modules in the final year, allowing them to design the individual composition of their degree.

Further Information:

Bachelor of Science Medical and Health Sciences (Hons)
