Our information-oriented society values the detection and measurement of analytical science now more than ever. We see, use and benefit from it every day, from the tests performed to check the purity of medicines, to the daily monitoring of industrial wastes, to analysis in the forensic laboratory.

The BSc in Analytical Science employs an interdisciplinary approach, educating you in both theoretical and practical aspects of chemical, biochemical and microbiological analysis. The ever-increasing demand for more detailed and accurate data from within these disciplines means your services, as a trained analytical scientist, will be in constant demand.

With a broad and versatile range of skills, graduates can expect to find work in varied companies, institutions and positions, including:

  • Analysis
  • Brewing
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Fine Chemicals
  • Forensic Analysis
  • Product Development
  • Quality Control
  • Research and Development
  • Teaching
  • Testing

Further Information:

Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Analytical Science
