Bachelor of Engineering in Common Entry into Engineering

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  3. Bachelor of Engineering in Common Entry into Engineering

Engineers invent and design things, they make things work and analyse and solve problems, often using mathematical and software tools. Their impact on the world is pervasive and often pioneering.

Engineering solutions help patients with enhanced diagnostic imaging, improved hearing devices, better blood vessel implants and laser surgery. Engineering solutions continue to improve the way we live, driving advances in digital technology, such as the Internet of Things and Smart Cities, that have the possibility of revolutionising how we interact with technology, while at the same time improving sustainability through advances in areas such as energy efficiency and green energy technologies. Some of the most recent and exciting innovations in the energy sector, including wave energy converters, bioreactors and combined heat and power units, are also the work of engineers.

If you’re interested in engineering, but haven’t yet made a choice between courses, the Common Entry into Engineering (Undenominated Entry) option is designed to help you make a decision while still earning credit towards your ultimate degree.

Further Information:

B.Eng. in Common Entry into Engineering

