The Bachelor of Education will prepare you for a career as a Primary School Teacher where you’ll make a lasting impact on young children and on society.

The course will take your natural leadership abilities and fluid communication skills and equip you not only with subject knowledge, but also with the tools to motivate yourself and your students in the classroom, understand how children learn, navigate the school system, and develop your classroom management abilities.

All students take Education modules, do 30 weeks School Placement and visit the Gaeltacht for four weeks. You’ll also study specialisms relevant to teaching.

Our Bachelor of Education course is designed to help you become a skilled and creative teacher.

In Years One and Two, students cover the basics needed for teaching. You will come to understand how children think and learn in active ways. Your curriculum courses will prepare you to teach all the subjects of the primary curriculum using approaches that develop children’s understanding and motivation. You’ll also take modules in Psychology, Philosophy Sociology of Education and History of Education.

In Year Three, you will review what you’ve learned to date and will apply it in different situations. Your understanding of classroom contexts and of how to plan for rich learning experiences will be enriched. You’ll learn how to work with children in ways that are democratic and enable them to engage in an ethical way with the world.

Year Four focuses on deepening your expertise. It will provide you with opportunities to think about big ideas in education such as social justice, inclusion and working in a school community. You will also undertake a research project.

Further Information:

Bachelor of Education

