Business Information Systems is a comprehensive blend of business and technology subjects that equips students with the skills and knowledge required to develop, manage and use Information Technology systems and solutions in a variety of business environments. This will include a knowledge of management; digital marketing; financial and management accounting; information communication technology strategy; computer applications; enterprise resource planning systems; systems integration; legal studies; entrepreneurship; international business; project management; systems analysis; design and development; Big Data; Business Analytics, and Cloud Computing.

In Year 3, students will have the option to complete a work placement (minimum 15 weeks) in an IT related role in business. It will involve a set of agreed objectives for your placement, as well as the assistance of a supervisor on site and a member of the academic staff at CIT.

Interns are placed in a range of companies from large organisations such as EMC, Trend Micro, Janssen, Kerry Group through to medium and small size companies and  start-ups. Click here to read about one of our student’s placement experience with the startup Trustev.

Further Information:

Bachelor of Business Information Systems BBus (Hons)

