Bachelor of Arts-Languages-Joint Honours Dublin City University DC293

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  3. Bachelor of Arts-Languages-Joint Honours Dublin City University DC293

Choose from a range of Arts subjects for a degree with multifaceted perspectives. You’ll examine areas central to contemporary society, including tradition, culture, theology, law, politics, communication, human-environment relations, and human behavior.

You’ll graduate with an honours degree in Languages plus one of Irish or Politics.

International Languages (French, German, Spanish): You’ll acquire proficiency in your chosen language and learn about culture, film, literary traditions and intercultural communication.

Gaeilge/Irish: You’ll learn about Irish culture and tradition as well as developing your practical language skills.

Politics: You’ll study areas as diverse as counter-terrorism, the European Union, international organisations, international political economy, the Middle and development.

Further Information:

Bachelor of Arts-Languages-Joint Honours DC293

