Bachelor of Arts in Business (Cloud Computing) (Hons)-Dublin Business School DB526

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  3. Bachelor of Arts in Business (Cloud Computing) (Hons)-Dublin Business School DB526

The Cloud Computing pathway of the BA (Hons) Business provides learners with the knowledge and technical abilities to provide optional cloud-based solutions to a variety of business scenarios. Each level builds a combination of business and technical skills. More and more companies are moving their IT systems to the cloud, and many of those businesses are exploring how to get the most out of these new models. Moving to cloud computing may reduce the cost of managing and maintaining IT systems, even though it’s unlikely for most companies to have 100% of their architecture in the cloud, the percentage of IT systems that is cloud-based is reaching critical mass. Cloud computing execution and implementation in various business applications demands highly trained individuals to ensure continued service. There are challenges and benefits involved in the process of migrating business applications to a cloud platform but with the right support the benefits easily overcome the challenges. Cloud technologies can bring businesses a variety of new concepts and business opportunities during this process, typically on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications.

Further Information:

BA (Hons) in Business (Cloud Computing) Dublin Business School DB526


