Bachelor of Arts Home Economics (Honours Degree)-St Angela’s College Sligo AS054

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  3. Bachelor of Arts Home Economics (Honours Degree)-St Angela’s College Sligo AS054

This programme consists of the three core disciplines within Home Economics: Food Studies; Textiles, Fashion, Design; and Family Resource Management and these are taught in every year of the programme.

In year three of the programme students will have the option to either study abroad for five months with one of our partner Universities or to complete a five month work placement in Ireland.


Modules will include but are not limited to:

• Home Economics Studies

• Nutrition, Diet and Health

• Food Studies

• Interior and Textiles Design

• Sensory Sciences

• Health Promotion

• Child Development

• Nutrition

• Consumer Literacy

• Fashion, Clothing and Home Design

• Sociology of the Family

• Lifestyle, Health and Disease

• Family Advocacy in the Community

• Public Health Nutrition.

For further information click below:

Bachelor of Arts (Home Economics)-St Angela’s College Sligo AS054

