Bachelor of Arts-Film (Hons)-Dublin Business School DB567
Do You want to direct a film? Write a script? Edit? Become a film critic? Curate a film festival? Take a photograph? Organise an exhibition? Understand Hollywood? Study your favourite director? Consider the relationship between film and television? Film and gaming? Study in a vibrant creative environment? Have a bright future? If your answer is Yes then why not study film@DBS?
The BA (Hons) in Film programme has been designed to enable you to understand the study of film as an ongoing exploration of an extraordinarily diverse set of related audiovisual practices. The programme is made up of three interlocking elements, the critical, the practical, and the developmenta
You have the opportunity to develop an ongoing and deepening relationship with the critical, theoretical, historical, technological and other relevant debates that take film as their starting poin
You will undertake a wide range of practical activities including digital filmmaking, editing and post-production, sound, lighting, digital photography, scriptwriting, and organising film festivals, exhibitions and installati
The BA (Hons) in Film also helps you develop a very wide range of transferable skills that prepare you for life after graduation.
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