Bachelor of Arts Applied Social Studies – Professional Social Care Practice-Institute of Technology Carlow CW717

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  3. Bachelor of Arts Applied Social Studies – Professional Social Care Practice-Institute of Technology Carlow CW717

This course provides graduates with the skills and expertise they need to register in the social care profession across a diverse sector, typically in fields such as residential care, disability and community based services. IT Carlow’s strong links to practice facilitates students in professional practice placements throughout the course, further developing their professional skills and knowledge for future employment in areas of social care, social policy and social justice.

Social care professionals provide vital support, advocacy and care to some of the most vulnerable and marginalised groups in society, including people with disabilities, children and families at risk, asylum seekers, people with addiction, mental health issues and the elderly.

Special Features:

  • A variety of teaching, learning and assessment methodologies are used such as discussions, group projects, placements, problem-based learning and case studies.
  • Students take part in an annual Social Care Careers Seminar hosted by IT Carlow and in sector talks relating to social care practice.
  • Supervised professional practice placements (taking place in Year 2 and Year 3) are an essential part of this course.
  • Students are encouraged to take part in national and international competitions such as the SPARK Social Enterprise Awards and Social Care Ireland Awards for high academic achievement.
  • A wide variety of external speakers from the sector deliver guest lectures on an annual basis.
  • Graduates are employed in a wide range of agencies providing social care services to clients with a variety of social care needs, including the HSE and TUSLA Child and Family Agencies.
  • Exit award – Higher Certificate in Applied Social Studies Ð Professional Social Care (NFQ Level 6) after Year 2.

Further Information:

Bachelor of Arts Applied Social Studies – Professional Social Care Practice-Institute of Technology Carlow CW717

