Why take this course?

Software development is an enormous growth area in ICT engineering. Over 900 software companies are currently in operation in Ireland employing more than 24,000 people. Ireland’s reputation as a centre of software excellence is unrivalled in Europe. It is home to multinational and indigenous firms generating €16 billion of exports annually. The sectors wide-ranging activities include software development, R&D, business services and EMEA/International headquarters.

Game development is one of the fastest growing sectors in the entertainment industry. Annual video games sales are approximately €30 billion and are expected to rise to €40 billion in the next four years. The value of the computer games industry worldwide is in excess of €85 billion and it is an area with enormous potential for development. Last year, there was global investment of over €3 billion in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) industries. It reflects the exciting potential to provide immersive environments in gaming and movies that were not possible before now. Our VR and Gaming specialisation prepares you to work as a software developer in these fast-paced industries. As a student on this course, you’ll work with the latest tools and technologies to enhance your skillset. Software development languages, tools and methodologies provide the backbone of this programme. These skills are critical to following a career in the game development industry but they also have widespread application across many domains.

What will I experience?

AIT’s Faculty of Engineering and Informatics is housed in one of the most modern and well-equipped facilities of its kind in the country. The common entry structure of this programme allows you to experience many core aspects of software development while allowing you to change your specialisation entering second year if you have the required CAO points. Lecturers have extensive industry experience which enriches their teaching skills and competencies. You will be part of an exciting software development environment, with advanced research and strong links to industry. You will enjoy a six-month work placement during your third year of the programme giving you real industrial experience while undertaking a challenging project.

Career Prospects

Students graduating from this course will be in a position to take up careers as game developers, software designers, database programmers and administrators, and technical salespersons. Employers include: Ericsson, Valeo, Cisco, Avaya (Nortel), SAP, Hewlett-Packard, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Riverdeep, as well as financial institutions and SMEs.


