Biotechnologists work across areas of science and engineering that include biochemical engineering, food science, electronics, chemical, mechanical and food technology engineering and microbiology.

Biotechnologists help to develop products that have a biological ingredient or action, such as vaccines, antibiotics, hormones and washing powders. Some work with genes to try to improve crops or medicines.

They work in a range of areas, including:

  • Medicine developing new medicines and treatments to fight illness and disease. This includes products with a biological ingredient or action, such as antibiotics, drugs and hormones. Insulin has also been made from genetically engineered bacteria.
  • Agriculture using genetic engineering and genome mapping to improve crop production, or crop resistance to pests and diseases.
  • The environment developing the use of biosensors for the early detection of environmental pollutants, and exploring the use of biological systems to treat effluent (liquid discharged as waste) or clean up contamination.
  • Food and drink developing new products and processes for the manufacture and preservation of food, and producing and cloning enzymes to manufacture and preserve food and drink, as well as for use in biological detergents.
  • Chemicals researching and developing new manufacturing processes and products, including developing new methods for quality control and waste management.

Some biotechnologists are concerned with pure research, focusing on subjects such as proteomics – studying the structure and function of proteins, functional genomics- studying the function of individual genes, and structural genomics – studying the three-dimensional structure of proteins.

In their work, biotechnologists design and conduct experiments, make observations and analyse data. They use complex, sophisticated and sensitive equipment including computer technology. Other responsibilities may include administration, supervising the work of support staff, writing up reports and scientific papers, and presenting work at scientific meetings and conferences.

Biotechnologists work in teams with other scientists and technicians.

Hours and environment

Biotechnologists usually work 35 to 40 hours a week, from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Evening and weekend work may be required. Some biotechnologists may have to work on call at certain times.

Biotechnologists work in laboratories, industrial manufacturing settings or the field. They may work with hazardous chemicals or micro-organisms. Some work is carried out in sterile conditions.

The work can involve sitting or standing at a workbench, desk or piece of equipment for long periods. Protective clothing is usually worn, both for personal protection and to prevent contamination of samples or equipment.

There may be some travel to attend scientific meetings and conferences.

Salary and other benefits

These figures are only a guide, as actual rates of pay may vary, depending on the employer and where people live.

  • Graduate entrants may earn between €28,500 and €30,000 a year.
  • Established biotechnologists may earn between €35,000 and €50,000.
  • Highly experienced biotechnologists may earn over €55,000 a year.

Skills and personal qualities

A biotechnologist should:

  • have strong scientific ability, particularly in biology and chemistry
  • be able to think clearly and logically
  • be good at problem solving, with a methodical approach to their work
  • be able to work accurately and pay attention to detail
  • be able to work in and lead a team
  • have excellent communication skills
  • have strong ICT skills
  • be competent with statistics.


It is important to:

  • have a strong interest in science
  • enjoy working in a rapidly developing field.

Getting in

The biotechnology industry is expanding rapidly and employs over 10,000 people. Biotechnologists are employed throughout Ireland, with clusters of biotechnology companies in Limerick, and Cork. There is a high demand for biotechnologists.

Employers include:

  • industrial companies – including companies in the chemical, metals and materials, plastics and polymers, petrochemical, cosmetics and toiletries industries
  • pharmaceutical and agri-chemical companies
  • food and drink manufacturers
  • government establishments and agencies
  • charity research institutes and hospitals
  • specialist biotechnology companies that are involved in a wide range of research and development
  • universities, where biotechnologists are mainly involved in research.

Entry routes

The minimum requirement for a biotechnologist is usually a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology or another science related degree.


New entrants generally train on the job. Some employers run formal training programmes.

Biotechnologists may study for postgraduate qualifications, or for examinations leading to membership or fellowship of a relevant professional body.

Useful Links:

The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland

Royal Society of Biology

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council




