Chemists study materials and chemicals and how they interact and behave under different physical conditions. Chemistry has aspects in common with both biology and physics and chemists can work in areas closely related to these fields.

Chemists are involved in many areas of work. These may include:

  • healthcare, as biochemists, for example, helping to diagnose, treat and prevent illness and disease
  • pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, researching the causes of disease and helping to discover new medicines and treatment
  • the food industry, ensuring the safety and quality of foodstuffs and developing new foods and additives to enhance them
  • chemical analysis which is central to organisations protecting public safety by monitoring the quality of food, drugs, water, air, sea, sewage or recycling processes
  • developing new materials such as plastics, glass, metals, polymers, artificial fibres and dyes, as well as a huge range of other everyday products
  • improving crop production by developing, for example, fertilisers
  • measuring the environmental impact of industrial processes or accidents on behalf of government agencies, industry and environmental consultancies
  • working in the Forensic Science Service to examine evidence associated with crime
  • teaching in schools, colleges or universities.

Chemists often use complex and sensitive equipment and procedures. They design and conduct experiments, take measurements and make observations. They also write up their work in reports and scientific papers, presenting their results at scientific meetings or conferences.

They may work in many different specialist roles. Some common roles for chemists include research and development, production and quality control and the marketing and sales of chemical products, as well as providing technical support for customers.

Chemists often work in teams with other scientists and technicians.

Hours and environment

Chemists usually work 37 hours a week, from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. There may be additional evening and weekend work. Chemists in hospitals, industry and some public services may do on-call or shift work.

They often work in laboratories and in a wide range of environments outside the laboratory in specialist jobs.

Modern laboratories are clean, often separated into practical and office areas. They may have a lot of technologically advanced equipment. Some work may require sterile conditions and it might be necessary to work with hazardous substances. Chemists often wear some form of protective clothing, either to protect themselves or to prevent contamination of samples or equipment.

Most chemists travel occasionally to attend scientific meetings and conferences. They might also visit customers or research partners.

Salary and other benefits

These figures are only a guide as actual rates of pay may vary, depending on the employer and where people live.

  • New graduates may be paid between €25,000 and €30,000 a year.
  • More experienced chemists may earn up to €40,000 a year.
  • Chemists leading projects or teams may earn €45,000 to €65,000 a year or more.

Skills and personal qualities

Chemists should:

  • have strong scientific ability
  • have an enquiring mind
  • be able to think clearly and logically
  • be good at problem solving
  • have a methodical, analytical approach to their work
  • be able to work accurately and pay great attention to detail
  • keep up to date with advances in their field
  • understand statistics, computer packages and sophisticated computer-controlled equipment
  • be aware of health and safety issues.


It helps to have an interest in:

  • finding out about materials and chemicals
  • solving problems.

Getting in

There are large numbers of chemists working throughout Ireland. Job opportunities are good and are growing in certain areas, for example in pharmaceutical research and work for environmental agencies.

Entry routes

Most chemists are graduates. In addition to a relevant degree, a postgraduate qualification may be required for some jobs. Increasingly, graduates need relevant work experience before applying for their first job, perhaps through an industrial placement as part of their course.

The Institute of Chemistry of Ireland

